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Siam Nivasa Colombo, Sri Lanka


Siam Nivasa, literally "the House of Thailand", at 43 Dr. C. W. W. Kannangara Mawatha (formerly Alexander Place), is a property belonging to the People of Thailand.

In 1984, the Royal Thai Government purchased this 25-perch (0.16 Acre /160 Square Wah) plot together with the building which was built in 1956 from a widowed Tamil doctor, who proposed to the Royal Thai Embassy a swift sale amidst the looming risks imposed on her family and the property itself at the height of the then Sinhalese-Tamil conflict. Previously, the plot was part of "Peak View", a larger estate compound of a prominent Dutch Burgher lawyer and a Councilor representing Maradana on the Colombo Municipal Council.

This building had been a chancery of the Royal Thai Embassy in Colombo for 17 years from 1984 to 2001. Frequent incidents of bombing allegedly by the LTTE in nearby establishments in the 1990s made it unsafe for the Embassy to stay on, and it then moved to other locations. Since then, the property, while in possession of the Thai Government, had unfortunately been vacant for 21 years.

In 2022, the building was restored to its original condition upon the guidance of H.E. Poj Harnpol, the then Ambassador, who has also given the name to this special place "Siam Nivasa" in reminiscing the long standing relationship and people-to-people ties between Sri Lanka and Thailand.

At its rebirth, Siam Nivasa offers its venue for various events including cultural activities and gatherings of Thai community members in Sri Lanka.


Contact us

address_png Address: 43, Dr. C W W Kannangara Mawatha, Colombo 00700

Google_Maps_icon_(2015-2020).svg Location: maps.app.goo.gl

WhatsApp_iconWhatsapp/Mobile: 077 307 0749

facebook_png  Facebook: facebook.com/SiamNivasaColombo

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